McDonald's Drummoyne

McDonald's Drummoyne

18 February 2014

I have been using Abcom’s quick service restaurant management software systems since the 1980's while senior manager with Warren Marks.

What I like the most about Abcom’s quick service restaurant management software systems is that is totally user friendly. It is as foolproof as quick service restaurant management software can be.

The main benefits with Abcom’s quick service restaurant management software is that it is extremely easy to train those around me and allowed me to save valuable time to run the business.

Abcom’s quick service restaurant management software most important contributions to my business has been time saving as mentioned above and ease of interface with other agencies such as Australian Taxation Office, my lawyers and accountants. The software has many built-in safeguards in Payroll and General Ledger.

The business goals that I have been able to achieve using Abcom’s quick service restaurant management software is good and efficient annual budgeting and sales projections.

To anyone considering restaurant management software all I can say is that I strongly recommend the Abcom’s quick service restaurant management software system - always have and always will.

John Ciske McDonalds Drummoyne Oct 1992 - Current


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